- Between speeches, images and political rituals

the memory of José Martí from the armed struggle in Sierra Maestra (1959-2006)





José Martí, Cuban Revolution, Armed Struggle


This article investigates the construction of the memory of the Cuban independence leader José Martí from January 1, 1959. To this end, we will analyze Fidel Castro's speeches, the image production and the political rituals organized by the State after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution. Amid the reinterpretation of the anti-colonial wars of the 19th century, Martí's memory was used by official political-ideological propaganda to retrospectively legitimize the guerrilla led by Castro in the 1950s, helping to consolidate the protagonism of M 26-7 within the scope of the old oppositions to the Fulgêncio Batista regime. In short, this article argues that Castro's government redefined the anti-colonial wars from the armed struggle of Sierra Maestra, especially the image of Martí, which ended up being “guerrillaized” in order to establish historical links between the 19th century mambises and the guerrillas of the 20th century.


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Author Biography

Bruno Romano Rodrigues, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Mestre em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Doutorando em História Social, com pesquisa voltada para o tema de Revolução Cubana.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, B. R. (2024). - Between speeches, images and political rituals: the memory of José Martí from the armed struggle in Sierra Maestra (1959-2006). Revista Eletrônica Da ANPHLAC, 25(38), 217–244. https://doi.org/10.46752/anphlac.38.2024.4202